Friday, January 23, 2009

Miss______, your final question is...

My brother asked me at 7 something PM to write a piece for his string quartet group at his school. He needed it "ASAP", he said. I was in the composing mood, so I said "sure".

I started. Well, actually no.

I just sat in front of my laptop. I had Gershwin's Cuban Overture stuck in my head so I just played it in my head. Over and over and over...


I got an idea and started sketching it...minor, Grieg-ish, death.

I called my brother again.

"Hey, what do you need this piece for?" 

"We're playing background music in the lobby for the Miss Brookwood Pageant."

"Ok. So you want pageant-y music?"


I had started writing something with the gravity of 5 death arias and a funeral march combined. Scratch that.

So I stare at the laptop...that Cuban overture is still in the back of my head, so I started writing the rhythms I heard and then it just came. A tsunami of ideas floods my brain. I abated it little by little until I had a 2 minute piece for string quartet at 10 PM. 

It's not the best piece in the world but it will work hopefully for the lobby music at the 2 days. brother just told me. They have a day to make the piece work. I should've known so I could write appropriately for a day's preparation. AH!

Anywizzle, I should have been doing my reading for my other classes, but I was composing and lost all track of time. I hope my professors will accept that excuse.


If you want to see the composition, contact me and I'd be glad to give it to you. 

Adios, amigos.

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