Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Confession #2


I'm addicted to crossword puzzles. 

I could have another blog called "Confessions and Ponderings of a Puzzle Addict." No joke.

I'm beginning to think that I have an addictive personality. I was really only introduced to crosswords my freshman year by a good friend of mine, Katy. She and her friends, Pat and Adna, used to do the puzzles in our school newspaper. I thought the puzzles were good conversation starters and restarters, but I didn't become a recreational user until...

Well, I guess I shouldn't call myself a user, due to obvious connotation. I prefer "puzzler." 

Yeah. Puzzler. I like it. 

So, I didn't become a recreational puzzler until about sophomore year. Katy and I would have crossword lunches, and I felt the urge to do the crosswords quite often and I couldn't bug Katy everytime so I found myself doing them alllll day. I wasn't too good at first but that rush that I got after completing a puzzle. WOO! ok....

I'll calm down. I promise.

BUT REALLY, it feels good. 

I'm not proud to say I'm a puzzler aka crossword addict. 

But it is the truth. 

And the truth shall set me free...right?


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