Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Confession #1

Yes. I am addicted to music. 

My body relies on music for normal functioning and I do experience withdrawal if no music is heard for more than 2 hours. :) No, really. I'd like to say it's not that bad, but really it is... 

You might be an addict, too. 

There are 3 different categories of music lovers, I think. Well, at least in my music-saturated universe so far: First, you have your music Sampler - the one who listens to a little music on the radio now and again on the morning commute and occassionally sings a little ditty in the shower or maybe goes to a concert or two with friends for a little social entertainment. 

Up a level on the love scale, you've got your music Connoisseur - the one that's got all kinds of music collected on iTunes and appreciates everything from classical to heavy glam death faerie metal and sings along to the radio when in the car or plays/played a musical instrument or comments on the music in the movies, etc. 

Lastly, you've got your music's unhealthy. If you're not piping music into your brain with an iPod, then you're making music as you walk or drive. 

You write down your ideas on napkins in restaurants. 

You write the best piece you've ever heard in your dreams and when you wake up you forget it and then you hate yourself for days because you can't remember it. 

You can't stop thinking about music. Everything you hear is music. 

Your critique of a movie depends on its score. 

Music interferes with your relationships and your schoolwork/workwork. You can't imagine life without music. 
"Life!? WITH NO MUSIC?! I'd die..." is a common sequence of words uttered by the aforementioned addict. 

A music addict sees music as a sustenance, a syntax, and a spouse. Music is life...or at least a huge chunk of it for the music addict.

I admit my addiction with a mix of trepidation and acceptance. I know I should probably curb my habits so that they don't inflict mortal wounds to my educational/social life, but nonetheless, I will always know that I cannot give up music. 

My dying breath will be a song and until that moment, I'll keep practicing.

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